Special Sabbath Day

Special Sabbath Day

This parable was give to Yahweh’s servant and on the sabbath day I have chosen to deliver it.  My formal title is Yahweh’s servant and because of freedom I have the choice to obey or not.  God is part of me.  He is the largest part and the rest will be crushed upon my death.

A man had just finished purchasing a Starbucks and had some change.  A homeless person was outside begging for change.  He turned around suddenly and bumped into him so he spilled her drink “because of” since she didn’t expect him to turn around so suddenly.  She was furious that she would have to walk back and purchase another because, having lived in comfort for so long, any disturbances felt less acceptable.  She had places to go and people to meet.

So Israel is the homeless man while the coffee drinker’s named Yahweh.  As for His formal title, I could be speaking for a day and I wouldn’t have said the whole title.  I also do not know it.  It has been confirmed by God that I could be typing for a whole day and I wouldn’t have said the whole title.  I’m sitting on my bedroom mattress using a laptop that I just got yesterday after 4 years without typing and my type speed came out to 89 words per minute with 96% accuracy during my second attempt at a one minute online test.  I used a different website for the second attempt then the first.  This detail is minor but I’m including it in the spirit of typing something concerning the title of God.  The detail I am referring to is the fact that I used a different website for the second attempt at measuring my type speed then I used for my first type speed test.  I was typing as rapidly as possible without making errors but the screen blurred when a mistake was made so it disturbed me so greatly that I had to find the next online website to measure what my type speed was.  I used the second link on google on November 10th, at 10:51 in the morning.  I have not calculated the year, time, minute, or hour through using the calendar I invented in my earlier writings where I might have written to Elon Musk or to who it is concerned.  The writing I am talking about is one of my two older books.  I forgot which one had the letter in it.  I do not read my own writings.  The exception is that I have edited my own words sometimes when it is clear that it is something I should have authority over to change.

For a time, and still sometimes even today, when I saw the name Yahweh written, since it is the name of God, I was told to by God to repeat this exact phrase to myself:

Yahweh is the most perfect angelic entity who ever existed, exists, or will exist in any universe or alternative dimension since shortly after the beginning of time being measured until the end of eternity.

For clarity sake I would only say ‘since the beginning of time’.  I have been commanded to type this robotically.  It is shared with you in an automatic fashion.  There are more then one universes.  There are multiple universes and if you can think about our galaxy and that there are countless territories in just one galaxy, then it is pointless to begin to fathom the deep depths of area that quantify the entirety of existence.  Two alternative dimensions I know about are heaven and hell.  Heaven is an immeasurable distance away physically from even our own universe.  God has a family “stop.

Now I’ve been told to continue since my thought was unfinished.  His biological mother had an immeasurably large fear of death and it was extremely expensive at the time to save her from death.  It was much more expensive back then to transport someone to heaven after they died.  Based on the fact that these are strange things I never thought I would be writing about, I hope I haven’t been thought of as insane because we are used to meeting people who make such claims as fringe or not all the way home upstairs.  But would you say that to Ezekiel for laying on his side for over an entire year to bear the sins of Israel?  Nope.  During my time period that I’ve lived through, he would be given medications and told that it isn't necessary since, they believe, Jesus has forgiven all sins.

Upon further review, Jesus states that the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.  They don’t know that you can die for speaking something evil about who is so perfect.  I consider the holy spirit as a title for God.  It might also be considered God’s power when it is used in scripture.  Without much effort, this statement about the holy spirit as being God’s power might neither be believable nor interpretable based on the fact that there are millions of different christian, muslim, and jewish people with diverse belief systems ingrained into them for a life time.  

We can’t just change our views over night.  If you go through something big and really want to die from your old self spiritually, then you can submerge yourself in water or have someone do it for you and say “death.”  They called on God.  They turned away from their evil ways and turned towards Him.  This is only done spiritually.  Do not drown your babies to save them from death by being in a passion.  I charge you with murder if you have done this.  It is proved. “Confirmed.”

As far as those who would use their friendship with God in service to themselves, you are the exact opposite of my title.  In words it sounds strange so I will give an example.  “I don’t have to care about doing Good.  God is powerful and we are friends so He will take care of me.”  To that I would reply “loud.”  

It sounds good but if you cared about doing good, then you would be caring about what God cares about.  I charge you with unjustifiable aggression in court.“Unjustified.”  I curse them with the same penalty I have obtained for doing the crime myself, whatever that penalty maymight” have been.

Friendship can not be used up for the management of anything you possess.  He means that you are attempting to make God serve you and God serves no one.

If there is a desire to setup Our (Yahweh came first and it is both of ours) government then the first 23 members of the Sanhedrin must be 50 years old at minimum.  Each member must hold at least a doctorate in history and know about multiple countries that must include Israel.  It must be proved that they have struggled for God during all of their lifetime.  They have to be spiritually meeker than a whisper “even meeker”.  May their ruling bring justice.  May their energy be filled up.  Make them knowable.  They are friends of Yahweh.  The blessings are words given by Yahweh’s angel that I performed.  I would not have said that they struggled during all of their lifetime.  My words would have been that they struggled during most of their lifetime.  I said that they must hold a doctorate and God said at least a doctorate.  I also said some other stupid things that wouldn’t “have” brought you wisdom to know.  ‘Spiritually meeker than a whisper’ was a phrase brought through a combination through God and another angel.  I thought of a poem

The hypothetical statement that inspired me was me imagining someone saying “You give your orders and the battle is won.”

I answered as the “meekest” armed forces general might in the hypothetical:

No battle is won

A single soldier had to miss out on being with their loved ones

They couldn’t hold their child or embrace them when they cried

They missed out on noticing a flower and sharing that enjoyment with their significant other

I have never won a battle

Pay Your Housekeeper

I leave on a journey

I come back and my house is cleaned!

I am much better off then you are!!

The Lord is my housekeeper

And He is known as a simple cleaning lady

For most of my people

They don’t want Him

Everyone cleans their rooms eventually

It puts your mind at ease

Ah, you have obsessive compulsive disorder and missed a spot

or your busy with other things and it piles up

you say why fight it 

or you are a hoarder

and can’t bear to be without things

The journey has already started

The destination is eternal

Cleaning your room is difficult

Yahweh’s Servant

My phone’s “power is so low” (stated by angel) needs charging

I plugged it in

It lights up with wonder and charges forevermore

And yet its the Multiple Billions Of Watt USB-C Power Adapter which connects me to the Holy Spirit

I attempted to “charge my phone” plug myself into the outlet without using the cord

And so I have attempted to perform the opposite

Of what my own title is

When you approach God, carry everything with you or He will find out and you’ll bring shame on yourself.  Don’t say “we are jews, we deserve Him from our history together.”  He looks on with rage and says “Oh, you know what you deserve?  where were you at the foundations of the earth?  My God could charge you with being disrespectful like even I have been charged.  You look onto my cursed enemy and celebrate that Michael could bring a double curse onto such a famous enemy.  The only problem with Satan is that he doesn’t practice what is called the lesser jihad but what is this to him since he has practiced the greatest jihad?  Looking on the future disasters to avoid them. You don’t have anywhere near this kind of great love for God and for justice due to the fact that you look on with hatred on whole groups of people just because they inconvenience you.  So you should also forgive God for the hardships He has put you through.  A man knows nothing and celebrates the name Satan and makes his name a great name in their view based on their psychological need for conquering.  If you knew The Holy Spirit, then you would know that God destroys even the seeming impenetrable fortress.  Because this is the greatest of wisdom to forgive God for His hardships brought onto us, we could only hope to aim to be like even this lowest angel.  The power of God and the universe only belongs to one.  I give Satan the title “he who gains wisdom”.  His office is to tempt but how great of an office is it to bring the great accusation that God leads onto Himself in order to bring justice.  The one with foresight is very sad due to his wisdom.  If you want to learn more about Satan then listen to the song Combat Baby by Metric.  This is what he sounds like.  He wants to be proven wrong in his accusations for the love of justice.  After listening to the entire song, I have this to say “Don’t go quietly.”  Woe onto you Kim Jung-un, not for your way you treat humans but for being seen as a god.  The same doubled curse I applied on Satan applies “I have applied on.” on you.

The God can do divination and strange practices but it simply can’t be found among us a witch.  Jesus has been accused of witchcraft but a prophet does strange things at the command of Yahweh and under his instruction.  He isn’t summoning these things but he is being told to do them under instruction.  You might get asked to perform as a psychic and He can reveal these things but you go to Him and you ask for them.  You aren’t supposed to be like a soothsayer who calls up these things by his own doing.  Defining soothsaying has brought upon me to know that the prophets aren’t attempting to foretell events.  Instead, they are being told them directly by the angels or even God Himself.  Should He chose not to reveal Himself, He can send a messenger to convey, at His behest, what He desires.  These greatest are called His angels from what I know.  I am telling you that I am a biological human being since in the distant of futures I could be looked at as removed from certain human tendencies and needs.  I poop, I pee, I masturbate, I eat, I drink, and yes, I even use porn.  I have struggled with releasing my seed for many years.  I have struggled with my weight.  I care about what I look like among my peers and what they think about me.  I didn’t know why I was shaving my head at the time of the online photo but I am spiritually called Elijah.  When God called me Elijah awhile back, it was an intimate name and so it is not something I broadcast.  If you hold Michael to be a great name then I prefer Elijah, if you hold Elijah to be a great name, then I prefer His servant.  If His servant brings me to be boastful (not to others, but to myself) “then I prefer Mine.”  Right then, God has decided I just call myself His. Now I’m making it known that I am the Elijah that was foretold of.  “I was told to make it known because of Me.”  Based on what I know, the statement in the last “previous” sentence was made by the angel of the lord.  That is, the angel of God, that is, one of them whom it is regarded that they are the greatest from amongst His servants.  The previous sentence from this one was also given by an angel.  Based on what I know, I give intimate (angel audibly emphasized my word intimate) credit when it is clearly God speaking.  The prophet must act on the behest of God and not by and of himself.  The God calls on you and you perform but it is difficult for a human to interact with God because we are humans.  He knows this and it is my advice not to try to hide behind your biology in your dealings.  He knows what you are capable of.  The previous sentence was stated by an angel.  I would hide behind His laws.  He could give you an instruction and you could say “But it is the sabbath day, I and your law say I shouldn’t leave my place.”  If he sends us on a mission on the sabbath, or a better word would be quest, then you must not perform anything further then the action and come back home.

The curse applied on Kim Jung-un was done after “once” I was done with this writing and edited into that section.  Being a human being, as normal biologically as can be, I’m not able to psychologically switch from speaking good about a subject to speaking bad about a subject.  Based on my biology, I have difficulty seeing someone both as something to overcome and also a fellow servant.  I have one mind but I’m using Yahweh’s brain.  I called on Him.  Because I have loved you, I looked up how to spell Kim Jung-un’s name though its spelling shouldn’t matter to anyone.  If he did something noteworthy of being praised for righteousness then it would have been heard of.  I am considering his evil deeds and have decided to leave judgement on these other deeds to be brought on by God because he has the mind to be able to discern the best outcome.  Evil can not be conquered except in what we have authority over.  They who fear the prince of darkness should actually be in fear of The Perfect One and His retribution for succumbing.

Questions listened to lead you to answer subconsciously.  For the answer of no, your spirit isn’t answering it at all.  I was lead to the true meaning of my name which is “No one is likened unto God.”  I discovered this through being lead by God through questions and answers.  “Is God possible?” was one of the questions. You can answer a question strongly in the yes but for that answer of no, there is not a response.  This is shared incase there is a measurement myth created where I measured beings in order to make this discovery as an appointed judge of God.  I’m using the word ‘of’ in the last sentence but my human word for ‘of’ was ‘by’ and it was changed under the instruction of God’s angel.

And my normal typing speed is around 70 words per minute.  I have been helped to share this fact by an unknown angel that God had hidden Himself as.

The penalty by burning alive can only be found rarely.  I have found that it happens if you marry a mother and her daughter and it happens if the daughter of a priest acts as a prostitute.  I neither go against nor confirm the tradition of elders that stated laws about what to do on a sabbath.  I believe most traditions are dumb but I have my own guidelines and they might seem incorrect also.  Nevertheless, His laws and statutes are not something you can choose to ignore.   We can be chosen to be separated for this reason; He is God and I am not.  I am stupid.  I recall when He said this.  I was audibly reminded of this statement about my stupidity.  I mustn't give credit to the source for this single instance of the audible statement because it is not exactly forbidden but I am choosing not to.  I just heard it audibly that ‘I am choosing not to’ shortly after typing it.  It was my God who said this second statement. Again, I mustn't give credit to who said it the first time.  Please keep this verse from Leviticus in your hearts.

Leviticus 20:22  ‘You are therefore to keep all My statutes and all My ordinances and do them, so that the land to which I am bringing you to [a]live will not spew you out.

I was told by Yahweh to curse those who wore tight clothing or clothing that was revealing but I couldn’t do it by myself.  I refused in the moment because they were taught that social status depends upon being attractive.  There is a phrase I have been taught by God or one of Our angels that explains attractive people.  They are “seemingly attractive”.  I was told that it went out.  Based on the question to curse them I have assumed he doesn’t approve of wearing revealing clothing.  It triggers an innate desire to mate with each other and its Yahweh’s judgement, based on wisdom that we shouldn’t do this.  Based on logic, I fathom it to be that we shouldn’t be triggering this desire in others.  I curse them in the name of Yahweh.  May His judgement ever bring light to the world. Confirmed.  We aren’t always connected but I decided to say confirmed after He did.

Our Ultimate Fate Is Unknown To Man

Let’s take a man that loves his country.  The problem is his caring about his property so we need to remove his property in order to see how good of a person he could have been if he didn’t love his property so much.  The country was known for 6 million murders.  He slaughtered millions.  This is written by Yahweh’s prophet Michael Richard Haimes.  

This is my last poem.  

It is The poem of Yahweh’s prophet.  

Judge not lest ye be judged and in the same way.  

In other words, love the man and not the knowledge you believe you gained from them.  

You really don’t care about me and we both know it

Use wisdom, the mercy of God is ever lasting.  

Feel guilt but trust in the Lord.  

This command is from Yahweh’s prophet who is for God who is called by me The One Whose Power Overcomes.  May we all be tortured for our crimes and released from punishment after.  Adolph Hitler has burned up for pretty much what felt like all eternity.” He means tortured.  Pretty much.” But we shouldn’t desire for him to be tortured. “Well done.

I have two songs for worshiping.  The first one is the technical long version of judgements being passed by God while the other is for the human perspective of the rapid succession of events that follow from a single judgement.  The first one is Disco Science by Mirwais and the other is Kevin Gates Not The Only One except for the last 15 seconds since it holds no wisdom for me.  I didn’t know what a ring around a dick meant but its used in males to restrict blood flow to strengthen an erection.  If you don’t understand the why for His judgements, the prophet of God especially, needs to be willing to yield.  We say thank you for when we are blind and we say thank you especially when we have sight.  I came up with the “overcame” title for God before even listening to the Kevin Gates song and I just heard it for the first time today.  It might be stated that this ring around a dick expression is too explicit but I recommend you teach your children because if you don’t then someone else will.

“When men can’t achieve the very great pleasure from sexual encounters, they try things that seem strange to you because it is a new and private experience.  There are many laws about who you are allowed to have a sexual encounter with and when.  For the priest who has a daughter who engages in harlotry, the penalty is the second worst possible death that you can suffer for a crime.  You remember when you burned your finger accidentally on that hot plate?  Well that experience happens for a long time and you aren’t even able to pull away when you want to if your the priests daughter and perform harlotry.  It is called being burned alive.  The worst possible death is the one that happens to a persons spirit when they live their lives forgetting that they will die some day and face Yahweh’s judgement.  Yahweh tortures people who deserve it and it makes me really sad.  See, thats a joke.  I always love watching people suffer.  I’m in complete agreement with The Most Highs personal judgements that I don’t even know anything about.  This is impossible.”

As you might be able to tell, I’ve never experienced the joys of being a parent or even had a physical sexual encounter with a female, or male, or animal, and I don’t plan on it.  There were whispers from those of God that helped me in this example lesson to a child.  I am by far not smart enough to come up with the worst possible death penalty verse in this hypothetical story.  I’m still needing to learn about this worst possible death I just discovered.  Alright, I have learned...now I have to live in knowing of it for my lifetime and thus it begins; my real challenge.  For if you think you have done well then you have already fallen away into chaos.  We know Job was rescued from this chaos but I am thinking of being Job at the time of my death.  I would be defending myself as being righteous in my own sight throughout my lifetime and then the book would be opened and the truest expectations of myself would be revealed in death.  We all die spiritually at times but cling to Him and especially on the sabbath day.  I’m still listening to the Kevin Gates song.  ‘Struggles I overcome’.  I played a video game and the question of mine came up to God “Do you know when the first fire started?”  He said that he did not know about it.  So the last worship song I have for today is we didn’t start the fire by Billy Joel.  This would be a better method of ascertaining the rapid succession of events that transpire based upon His passing of a judgment.  This rare special sabbath section is written more live then the rest of the book.  What I take from this for myself is that there are a bunch of things I, Michael, don’t know about since some of the events didn’t transpire recently enough for them to be known about during my lifetime.  I certainly don’t know about Budapest and I’ve recognized the name Buddy Holly but I don’t know about who he is.

The Lord had removed me from feeling any guilt whatsoever about any single action.  I, instead, would learn from my errors and sometimes give offerings of thanks.  But there was a single thing that He would have me feel guilt over.  It was the misuse of His name.  “very David” is what I just heard.  He felt no guilt also until his biggest evil in thinking he could “lusted over” get away with receiving more joy then he deserved.  He knew it was unrighteousness and yet he went and performed it.  Why did he perform it?  That is the question we have to ask ourselves.  Blessed is the one who takes the effort to learn of it before the act would be committed.  That person is who I would call a truer leader then they otherwise would have been.  Spiritually eat some of my matzah now or you will eat of my matzah after.  May you be forgiven in due proportion to your effort.  Kingship is conferred on those are worthiest.  I have heard of the weirdest beings of all who have leadership over entire solar systems.  The leader of the heavens is Yahweh.  I don’t use His name lightly for fear of the penalty of misuse.  My higher then highest recommendation is to use a title in addressing Him or especially when speaking to others.  It is too beautiful to be used.  Justice can be executed with such cleverness that we really can’t know of it.  If you see The Name appear it is due to me being told to use it at any and all points in time throughout this writing.  I didn’t know what was going on when I spelled the spelling in a different way in my first book but I have been cleared of that charge of wrongdoing since I was still using a name that represented Him.  I would tell my child what His name was on his bar-mitzvah and this has been confirmed by Yahweh.  I wouldn’t have young children use it due to the fact that they are still forming and don’t know any better no matter what their level of discernment might be.  This is the reason that I neither confirmed nor denied any additional sabbath day law spoken of by our elders.  The sabbath day is holy.  Yahweh is the Lord of the sabbath.  I will clearly and explicitly speak it now I am in no way God whatsoever and, if you recall, my greatness is a water droplet in a bucket when in comparison His greatness is that of all the water in that bucket which takes up the entire size of the universe.  As I recall it, we are in the same bucket though.  I can’t express this fact on the measurement of my greatness enough.  To this statement I say “That’s my Dadda.”  Look deeper at the title you are using so it has meaning.  “I love my dad so much he provides me with good things.  He has wisdom and is helpful.  I need him so badly to be close enough that I can put up with the slings and arrows of the enemy.  If I didn’t have him I would crumble to dust under the weight of the accuser.  I need him tomorrow and today.  I have him.  I have him in my heart.  My heart should be like a diamond.”  This is what I sounded like when I prayed.

Love your life time companions enough that you know you won’t commit adultery.  If I recall correctly I stated I would wait at least 5 years of being together before marriage.  At the time I didn’t realize it but now I also verify that decision due to the death penalty for adultery.  Are you preparing yourself to make real wedding vows at the altar?  The embarrassment between man and God is so great that you can’t risk being tempted.  I truly and surely confirmed my curse that I made in God’s name.  It will not come to pass immediately that this curse takes effect.  This has been revealed.  The 5 years has been confirmed.  Satisfy your sexual urges during this time with each other by having sexual experiences that don’t include intercourse.  To be explicit I mean blow jobs, eating her out, romance, and love.  Anal sex counts as intercourse.  Dildo’s are even allowed and the yes in my vision was underlined 3 times.  Using a ball gag is allowed.  Whips are allowed.  Handcuffs are not allowed except for women based on their need to be dominated.  The man should not be handcuffed.  Anything else goes.  The vision for the word anything was underlined so I asked about torture and the answer was no.  So can I use a turkey baser and fill up her vagina or ass with fluid for the sake of her pleasure.  The answer was yes and underlined the word weird.  Sexual intercourse provided after marriage.

Based on what I know, love money but don’t trust in it.  This is my final word on that.  I have battled and found that this enemy is too great.  You need money to live.  For certain situations giving money counts as a sacrifice and in others it counts as only being given to serve your self interest in receiving a reward but He can bring you victory.  You aren’t good enough to know a clearly defined either or statement.  If you want to sacrifice then “do it.  I said do it after God.

I just heard Kevin Gates say “Your the only one that my dick will get hard for.” and thought it was actually quite romantic if you think about it.  If you are in jail and have sex with men due to them not allowing you to have sex then you are not guilty of the death penalty.  The bloodguilt is on the guards, lieutenants, and those in charge over you who prevented this necessary human function.  Do not kill them though because I can’t be charged with bringing about the death of any human being.  As far as lesbians are concerned, have fun in private sessions.  Don’t let men manipulate you into performing for their enjoyment.  Your loving relationship between each other is worth more then that.  Men, it would be as if you were making out with your wife and someone stated they deserved to watch for their own enjoyment.  That is how they can feel because they are in a real relationship.

The absolute youngest age for a marriage is 17.  Alcohol should have been used to relieve troublesome pain as a medicine instead of becoming something to depend upon for enjoyment.  Do not steal.  You are aren’t just stealing but anything surrounding stealing is terrible.

Thus concludes the Special Sabbath Day meeting.  It was ended on November 12th, 2,022 at 3:56pm.  We are 3 years away from the 49th year of a jubilee.  Matzah is the bread of affliction.  When you need suffering, eat it at a time that isn’t on Passover.  Do this in remembrance of myself, Mike.

We believe spilling salt is bad luck because of its tremendous value long ago.  Don’t let any of Yahweh’s teachings become traditions performed automatically such as this silly superstition.  Since I blessed Jordan Peterson to be strengthened, with stipulations for it to happen, I felt like investigating him and feel it is wisdom to review my past as if it isn’t me.  If I view my past as if it was a separate entity instead of myself then I might be able to gain insights that would prevent a newer tragedy from occurring then the one that the other person performed.  I wouldn’t do this too often though because I would just collapse inside of myself.  I could trip on my own cloak.  This analogy was created due to me actually doing it and then applying it to myself.  Old experiences can truly be traumatizing so don’t trip on your own cloak.  I have a black robe that I wore inside.  The robots that make up our brain can be unruly and determined to invest in themselves so don’t be too hard on yourself.

During my entire life time, during all of my writings, I have never with %100 percent certainty believed that God exists.  There are many other possibilities that explained away His existence as being in my head.  They aren’t worth exploring because they are stupid human bullshit such as brain waves or even possible, though in my most distant past it was explained away, aliens beaming messages from some distant galaxy or some other such nonsense.  The actual sign is difficult to convey in words.  I have never in my life time explored the center of a compass.  I was exploring the compass and right when I focused on the center, the word center was spoken on my television.  It seemed so silly.  I am still shaken.  We forget very easily and the meaning of a sign can be lost.  You need to just trust me that I didn’t have the most absolute %100 confirmation of God’s existence until at this very moment that I am describing.  It is sad but there is always a way that we can avoid Him.  If He doesn’t chose to reveal Himself to you, then He can stay hidden.  This is proven by me failing to have confirmed evidence of his existence until now.  November 14, 12:42 am is the exact time of my confirmed existence of the actual living God Yahweh, because He has put pressure on me I couldn’t have been made fully aware just of what I was writing during the sabbath.  When you are caught up in the moment as a human being, we don’t actually focus in on what is happening around us.  As I am reviewing this document, editing it very lightly, I am still in doubt.  He is who is above us in every way imaginable.  There really isn’t another God.  I’m not allowed to read from my writings so I can’t compute the actual date onto my Eris calendar which I created in the first book (of mine).

This happened very fast but within my thoughts.  I threatened him that I wouldn’t hide myself from the public.  I chose fearing God the right way instead of the wrong way.  Immediately after turning to God to face the actual God Yahweh’s judgement instead of my own judgement based on thoughts, He chose that time period to reveal Himself to me in a uncontestable “best” (this was spoken of by my fourth favorite angel that I know about) method.   There was always a risk that I would expose myself publicly and I am seperated from people, forcefully if necessary.  He has declared that I am not supposed to embarassed Him so I can’t be out in public.  This leads me to have chosen to stay to myself.  With the help of a different angel, I now ask God to forgive me for that threat.  The fact that He chose to reveal Himself for real is huge.

I have just witnessed a miracle that proves God exists.  I don’t know the difference between east and west.  There is a sound that is made when an OCD person says the word 3, it ends in an E high piched sound which leads to the repetative nature of them using three times that they use light switches, etc. I The sound wave for east makes the E sound so because I don’t use the compass, I have always had a hard time with the audible voice on GPS guidance systems audio.  It happened that on the first  ..right and left

The time is August 20, 2023 at 8:35pm.  I had previously considered to not cut and paste post the entirety of my data online on my blog.  I have never read it and feel that the writings might be too strange or intimate for me to integrate normally into society after posting it.  I wanted to remain viewed as normal to my brother.  I wanted to be viewed as an uncle which proves that I really do have to be careful in my dealings regarding Mark.  At this time I had heard God saying, and I paraphrase, “use the data” *it just thundered for the first time when there was no storm*.  After He spoke His desire to post it online, He spoke through the enemy Satan “You think that was bad?  Just decide not to post it and you’ll see bad.”  After I typed ‘You think that was bad?’ (referring to when I cursed him and God doubled the curse) I noticed a very aggressive eye peering from an unidentified source.  The very moment that I notice my book ‘Words That Echo’ is available on Amazon, even before I pay for advertising, I will completely post the entirety of my words that I have written as a copy paste on my blog.  Again, I have never read a word of this and since it was too intimate of a time period with God actually speaking, I can not ever hope to be able to alter the words contained therein.  I have not heard a second thunder strike yet but my writings are complete now that I know when, and with a 100 percent certainty, that I will post the entirety of my writing including my edicts.  And now I’m really done at the moment there was a second thunder strike.
