

Immediately after considering calling myself Jewish due to the fact that that is the name of the ancient religion whose God and laws I support, God said the word “Muslims”.  They would feel like outsiders if I called myself anything.  You really need to read my books to understand my religion.  I was born and raised in a Jewish family though.  I am an expert skier due to my late biological father being wealthy to the extent that we could go skiing often.  Without further ado, here are the major events in my life from the beginning until now unless they are private events.  

In middle school I had my first crush.  I had kissed her on the cheek during a game of truth or dare on my bar-mitzvah.  I wouldn’t kiss someone again, outside of my mom’s cheek, until I was living with my best friend in college.  I would kiss her on the forehead very rarely.  I have been celibate my entire life.  In high school, I starred often at the hot girl and was probably caught doing it though she never verbalized that.  It took me a few years before I wrote her a note asking if she would go out with me.  She circled the no option.  I was the quiet kid.  I’d like to think people thought of me as cool but I really didn’t have any friends.  The high school I attended had the same name as the middle school but it was a 45 minute drive away so those few who went on from their middle school to their high school were in their own clique that I didn’t really want to be part of since they didn’t look like they were the cool kids.  I was pretty cool in middle school though.  I had a best friend but in the 2nd year of high school I shared something that I didn’t realize was a secret and we never talked much after that until years later.  For the last two years of high school I was really a loner.

During my second year in college I noticed an attractive gothic looking girl.  We didn’t have emo people back then.  I’m 39 years old at the time of writing this on November 3rd, 2022.  My birthday is May 24, 1983.  I thought I would grab an extra vending machine drink and offer it to her.  Her room was near the vending machine so I knocked and thus began a 3 year best friendship which ended when we left college and went our separate ways.

Following this I would notice many problems with the so called 613 commandments list.  I wrote my first book on how many of them were incorrect.  It is titled “613 Lies”.  I am writing this more detailed biography for the eventual authors website I would like to have since all the big names have them and to sell a customized hoodie along with photos.

On November 1, 2023 I continued this biography.  I didn’t do much after writing my first book.  There is a huge incident that I can’t really choose not to speak about.  There was a dog that wouldn’t stop barking every day for 2 months.  One day I exploded and killed the dog.  I was arrested and they held me in interrogation and said “We know what you did.”  I was so flabbergasted and wanting that line of questioning not to continue that I said “I had sex with the dog.”  They would come to take DNA evidence from the dog and found no human DNA in him so it was impossible that I had sex with him.  I also took a lie detection test where they concluded that there was no deception detected when I said that I didn’t have sex with the dog.  That costs about $250 for that little test of proof to be had.  That was over 10 years ago and still haunts me due to the fact that it might still come up.

Eventually, I would be allowed back to being around my little brother Matthew when he was asking about how to fire my uncle’s bow and arrows.  

I went on to collecting small statements in my iPhone that I would go on to make into poems and then the book “Words That Echo” was born.  I still don’t have advertising for it so I don’t think many copies have sold.

Nothing of much importance happened for a long time in my life.  After trying to live alone for far too long, I had felt that life was meaningless and tried to kill myself since I was just so alone.  I asked for a case manager to put me into some kind of group living arrangement so I could be around other people.

I wrote this Dear Muslims part way back during November 3rd, 2022

Dear Muslims,

Muslims, please don’t take offense at me.  My reason for not reviewing the Quran is because I have been commanded by Adonai not to read from the Quran.  If you are known as those who submit then I really would be hard pressed to think of a better title for a group of people.  I consider you all as distant brothers & sisters.  I would like to grow closer to you.
